Uncategorized APIClass ObjectBodyDef ClassOn this pageBodyDef Class Description: A class for creating BodyDef and FixtureDef. polygon Type: Function. Description: Creates a polygon fixture definition with the specified dimensions. Signature: polygon: function(self: BodyDefClass, width: number, height: number, density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]): FixtureDef Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionwidthnumberThe width of the polygon.heightnumberThe height of the polygon.densitynumber[optional] The density of the polygon (default is 0.0).frictionnumber[optional] The friction of the polygon (default is 0.4, should be 0.0 to 1.0).restitutionnumber[optional] The restitution of the polygon (default is 0.0, should be 0.0 to 1.0). Returns: Return TypeDescriptionFixtureDefA FixtureDef object for the created polygon fixture. polygon Type: Function. Description: Creates a polygon fixture definition with the specified dimensions and center position. Signature: polygon: function(self: BodyDefClass, center: Vec2, width: number, height: number, angle?: number --[[0.0]], density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]): FixtureDef Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncenterVec2The center position of the polygon.widthnumberThe width of the polygon.heightnumberThe height of the polygon.anglenumber[optional] The angle of the polygon in radians (default is 0.0).densitynumber[optional] The density of the polygon (default is 0.0).frictionnumber[optional] The friction of the polygon (default is 0.4, should be 0.0 to 1.0).restitutionnumber[optional] The restitution of the polygon (default is 0.0, should be 0.0 to 1.0). Returns: Return TypeDescriptionFixtureDefA FixtureDef object for the created polygon fixture. polygon Type: Function. Description: Creates a polygon fixture definition with the specified vertices. Signature: polygon: function(self: BodyDefClass, vertices: {Vec2}, density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]): FixtureDef Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionvertices{Vec2}A table containing the vertices of the polygon.densitynumber[optional] The density of the polygon (default is 0.0).frictionnumber[optional] The friction of the polygon (default is 0.4, should be 0.0 to 1.0).restitutionnumber[optional] The restitution of the polygon (default is 0.0, should be 0.0 to 1.0). Returns: Return TypeDescriptionFixtureDefA FixtureDef object for the created polygon fixture. multi Type: Function. Description: Create a concave shape definition made of multiple convex shapes. Signature: multi: function(self: BodyDefClass, vertices: {Vec2}, density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]): FixtureDef Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionvertices{Vec2}A table containing the vertices of each convex shape that makes up the concave shape.Each convex shape in the vertices table should ends with a Vec2(0.0, 0.0) as seperator.densitynumberThe density of the shape (optional, default 0.0).frictionnumberThe friction coefficient of the shape (optional, default 0.4, should be 0.0 to 1.0).restitutionnumberThe restitution (elasticity) of the shape (optional, default 0.0, should be 0.0 to 1.0). Returns: Return TypeDescriptionFixtureDefThe resulting fixture definition. disk Type: Function. Description: Create a Disk-shape fixture definition. Signature: disk: function(self: BodyDefClass, center: Vec2, radius: number, density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]): FixtureDef Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncenterVec2The center of the circle.radiusnumberThe radius of the circle.densitynumberThe density of the circle (optional, default 0.0).frictionnumberThe friction coefficient of the circle (optional, default 0.4, should be 0.0 to 1.0).restitutionnumberThe restitution (elasticity) of the circle (optional, default 0.0, should be 0.0 to 1.0). Returns: Return TypeDescriptionFixtureDefThe resulting fixture definition. disk Type: Function. Description: Create a Disk-shape fixture definition with center at origin. Signature: disk: function(self: BodyDefClass, radius: number, density?: number --[[0.0]], friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]): FixtureDef Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionradiusnumberThe radius of the circle.densitynumberThe density of the circle (optional, default 0.0).frictionnumberThe friction coefficient of the circle (optional, default 0.4, should be 0.0 to 1.0).restitutionnumberThe restitution (elasticity) of the circle (optional, default 0.0, should be 0.0 to 1.0). Returns: Return TypeDescriptionFixtureDefThe resulting fixture definition. chain Type: Function. Description: Create a Chain-shape fixture definition. This fixture is a free form sequence of line segments that has two-sided collision. Signature: chain: function(self: BodyDefClass, vertices: {Vec2}, friction?: number --[[0.4]], restitution?: number --[[0.0]]): FixtureDef Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionvertices{Vec2}The vertices of the chain.frictionnumberThe friction coefficient of the chain (optional, default 0.4, should be 0.0 to 1.0).restitutionnumberThe restitution (elasticity) of the chain (optional, default 0.0, should be 0.0 to 1.0). Returns: Return TypeDescriptionFixtureDefThe resulting fixture definition. __call Type: Metamethod. Description: Create a new instance of BodyDef class. Signature: metamethod __call: function(self: BodyDefClass): BodyDef Returns: Return TypeDescriptionBodyDefa new BodyDef object.